New Products Strawberries

Quadris® Fungicide label expanded via Minor Use Program for control of diseases on parsley and black root rot of strawberry in Canada

by J. Chaput, OMAFRA, Minor Use Coordinator, Guelph

The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the approval of URMULE registrations for Quadris® Fungicide for control of Alternaria and Septoria leaf blights of parsley and for suppression of black root rot (Rhizoctonia) with an amended use pattern on strawberries in Canada.  Quadris® Fungicide was already labeled for use on a number of crops in Canada for control of diseases.

The parsley project was initiated in 2003 and submitted to PMRA by Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada’s minor use program and the amended use pattern for strawberries was submitted in 2012 by Ontario as a result of minor use priorities established by growers and extension personnel.

The following is provided as an abbreviated, general outline only. Users should be making pest management decisions within a robust IPM program and should consult the complete label before using Quadris® Fungicide.

Untitled-1Quadris® Fungicide is toxic to aquatic organisms. Do not apply this product or allow drift to other crops or non-target areas. Do not contaminate off-target areas or aquatic habitats when spraying or when cleaning and rinsing spray equipment or containers. Azoxystrobin is persistent and will carryover. It is recommended that this product not be used in areas treated with azoxystrobin during the previous season. The use of this product may result in contamination of ground water, particularly in areas where soils are permeable (e.g. sandy soil) and/or the depth to the water table is shallow.

Follow all other precautions and directions for use on the Quadris® Fungicide label carefully.

For a copy of the new minor use label contact your local crop specialist, regional supply outlet or visit the PMRA label site

Note: This article is not intended to be an endorsement or recommendation for this particular product, but rather a notice of registration activity

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